bands list

Anarcho-Punk Bands List & New Albums Releases

Introducing the largest online database of anarcho-punk bands!

  • 3,500+ bands
  • 7,800+ albums
  • 55+ countries

This new section is the perfect place to make new musical discoveries and get to know better the bands you download on this website. You can easily sort the bands by country or by musical genre, making it easy to find the exact type of music you are looking for.

The list contains all the bands shared by the members of the forum, so the selection reflects the specific musical preferences of this community. It means if you like the bands on this website, you will most likely find several musical discoveries that will interest you!

Link: Bands List


Bands Biographies

Each band now has its own dedicated page which brings together all the information available:

  • Biography
  • Photos of the band
  • Discography & list of all albums with cover images
  • Youtube videos & streaming albums
  • Country, year of creation, musical style
  • Info on the labels of the group
  • List of group members and former members
  • Group downloads list
  • List of concerts
  • Links to group website and social media
  • Integration of the group’s Facebook page
  • Suggestions for similar groups
  • Example: Tagada Jones group page


The “album releases” section displays all the latest albums released by the bands on our list. New albums are constantly added with automatic updates every day, so the list is always up to date. It’s the best way to keep up to date with what’s new on the scene.

Albums releases can be sorted by date, country, or genre.

Link: Latest album releases

The most recent releases are also displayed on the homepage of the forums



Over the past 12 months, nearly 600,000 unique visitors came to this forum. We’re now using this success to promote the bands and help to increase their followings. Thus, a visitor who downloads an album on this site can easily learn more about the story of the band and its activities.

Particular attention was given to integrating links to the band’s official website and social networks. The band’s Facebook page is also integrated to share the latest news and announcements of shows.

We hope to encourage visitors to subscribe to the group’s news after downloading their album. The aim is that the downloads encourage visitors to directly support the groups and actively participate in the punk scene.


Who decides which bands are included in the list?

It’s simple: every time a member share a band on this forum, that group is automatically added to the list. The list brings together all the bands that have been shared on this forum since it was launched in 2008. In other words, the list is collectively self-managed by the members of this forum.


Technical details

Those new features are the result of more than 6 months of programming work carried out by the technical team behind this network of activist websites. It’s the biggest project accomplished since the opening of this forum in 2009. The result is a unique and custom-made platform, which makes the best reference for information on the crust punk scene.

The platform developed by the team uses modern technologies to aggregate all of this data. In the background, our crawler bots explore the web every day to find the most relevant data from multiple sites. We then use different algorithms to determine the relevance of the information collected. It’s like some Artificial Intelligence at the service of the punk scene!

All of this wouldn’t be possible without the help of No Gods No Masters who is entirely funding this project. Dozens of punk bands have contributed to this shop by authorizing us to sell their merch and now the cooperative is giving back to the scene.

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