IMPORTANT: You can use this form to contact the team and request to remove a post ONLY if one of the reasons listed on this page applies to your caseIf the reason for deletion is not in this list, refer to option number 1 and ask the original source to remove the article, which would then be a valid reason to get the content deleted on our website too.

We take privacy concerns very seriously, and it is our responsibility to make sure the content on our website is not threatening the safety of other activists. We commit ourselves to the prompt removal of any personal information published without consent. Removal requests for privacy reasons must be sent by the same person whose information has been leaked. In addition, our team can help you free of charge to remove the content from the original site.

Copyrights infringement reports should be sent using the DMCA Takedown Request form. Please do not use this form for any copyright-related issues.

WARNING : If you are a racist piece of shit, a rapist, an homophobic, a sexist, or any other person who was called out in an article reposted on our platform for the disgusting stuff you did, WE WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANY WAY. We don’t give a fuck about your “explanations”, don’t waste your time writing to us. At least 80% of the emails we get through this form are nazi crybabies who want their name removed because they don’t have the courage to assume. Again, WE WILL NOT HELP. Every message we get is trying to bullshit us, we don’t care about your dumb excuses, we’ve seen them all and we will not fall for it.
If you think the information is wrong, your ONLY option is to contact the original source. If the original source who wrote the article accepts to remove the article, then only in this case we may remove the article. Other than this your message will be ignored.


Please be polite with our volunteers who are not the original authors of these articles. A translator will be used for non-english messages, so please use the right words and spelling to facilitate the translation.

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